Renewing and Empowering our Treaty Fires through Economic Sovereignty and Transition.
The Resource Equity Conference continues a Canada wide discussion on the future of resource and economic expansion in our communities and more broadly, our ancestral lands.
- Explore how Resource Equity is the path to self determination
- Participants will learn how Resource Equity generates economic opportunities from within their ancestral lands
- Discuss the implications of Urban Reserve creation and how Urban Reserves will transform indigenous economies
- Explore Treaty Protection through free prior and informed consent mechanisms at the community level
- Experts from across the country will engage participants on how indigenous communities will be involved in shaping Canada’s future
- Alternative Energies as a path to a sustainable future
Topics of discussion will include:
- Treaty Partnerships and Business Opportunities
- Importance of Governments Honouring Treaty Obligations and Laws Outlined in the Canadian Constitution to Ensure the Realization of Economic Sovereignty for Indigenous People of Canada
- What Can Be Learned From Economic History? Trade, Treaties, Land, Labour and Property
- Free, Prior and Informed Consent of Indigenous People
- Urban Reserves Represents Financial Independence
- Resource Equity: Potential Economic Sovereignty and Opportunities
- Participatory Economic Sovereignty: Building Local Economies through Active Community Engagement
- De-Colonizing Treaty Covenants to Achieve Resource Equity
- Resource Rulers: The Rise of First Nation Empowerment
- Resource Equity and Unfinished Treaty Making, Who Benefits and Why?
- The Next Bubble: Leveraging the First Nations Market
- Resource Equity on Alternative Energies for First Nation Communities
Who Should Attend:
- Chief and Council
- Economic Development Office
- Public Works (Water and Energy)
- Housing
- Trust Officers
- CFO’s
- Band Administrators
- Mining
- Forestry
- Financial
- Students
- Investors
- Legal
Conference Fees
Regular/ Individual Fee: $249 per delegate
Students and Elders: $50 per delegate
Register ONLINE or OFFLINE (by FAX or EMAIL)
*PRE-REGISTRATION: March 25, 2014 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm at The Delta Winnipeg Hotel*
Exhibition Booth: $600 + GST per Vendor
View the AGENDA
Delta Winnipeg Hotel
350 St Mary Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3C 3J2
Phone: (204) 942-0551
Fax: (204) 943-8702
Reservations: 1-888-890-3222
Check back often for updates!
For more information, contact Jennifer Wood:
Toll Free: 1-866-407-1880
Fax: 1-866-473-4225