2024 National Indigenous History Month

Banff Centre Join us to celebrate Banff Centre's National Indigenous History Month in June! Schedule (June 1-30) All events and activities are FREE! June 1: Virtual Indigenous Art Market (Open June 1-30 online) Watch Welcome Videos: Land Acknowledgement Video and...

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Indigenous Services Canada Funding Opportunity

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) This Call for Proposals is open to Indigenous individuals, communities, and organizations. The deadline for submission of funding proposals is July 10, 2024. Funding is now available to help build capacity, improve or create new...

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Grants of Up To $25,000

National Centre For Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) Grant of up to $25,000 to support community-led commemoration initiatives - No deadline to apply The Na-mi-quai-ni-mak “I remember them” Fund supports community-based healing and initiatives commemorating former...

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Join Us In C0-Developing the Indigenous Broadcasting Policy

CRTC WE WANT TO HEAR FROM FIRST NATIONS, INUIT, AND MÉTIS PEOPLES! Tell us how radio, television, and online streaming services in Canada can meet the needs of Indigenous peoples, all while: • Respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis cultures • Promoting the...

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Hide Tanning and Parfleche Residency – Banff Centre

Banff Centre Application Deadline: June 26, 2024 Program Date: September 30- Oct 18, 2024 This three-week visual arts residency focuses on hide scraping, bone tool making, and working with parfleche. Visual artists who work with hide and parfleche will learn more...

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Consultation to Co-Develop an Indigenous Broadcasting Policy

CRTC We would like to inform you about how the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) is collaborating closely with Indigenous peoples to co-develop an Indigenous broadcasting policy. In 2019, the CRTC issued a Notice of Proceeding,...

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Indigenous History & Heritage Gathering

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) and First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres ((FNCCEC) June 2-4, 2024 - Westin Ottawa, Ottawa ON Led by First Nations, Inuit and Métis thought leaders, a three-day gathering to understand, promote and...

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Missing Children Phase 3 (MCP3)

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation The NCTR completed the MCP1 and MCP2 This included the development of the National Memorial List. The National Memorial Register was created to forever remember and honor the children who never returned home from...

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4 Ways to Help Reduce Your Risk of Dementia

Health Canada Focus on Healthy Foods Be Active Stay Connected with Community Learn Something New For more information on reducing the risk of dementia English - Gotoinfo.ca/PHAC-dementia French - obtenezinfo-enligne.ca/PHAC-demence Click for more...

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Get Tested – Syphilis cases are on the Rise

Indigenous Services Canada Learn more about syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection. Understand why awareness, early detection and timely treatment for syphilis are essential for the health and well-being of our communities. There's a cure. If you're sexually...

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Get Connected & Feel Confident Online

Kick Media Start Your FREE training The Digital Literacy Program make it easier for you to access online service, avoid cyber scams and navigate the Internet safely (888)839-9239 alberta.ca/DigitalLiteracy  Click for more details 

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Syphilis cases are on the rise in Canada

CATIE CATIE's brochure, Syphilis: What you need to know provides clear information about syphilis and answers frequently asked questions on symptoms, transmission, prevention and more. Click for more details 

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Classical Indigenous Music Residency – Summer 2024

Banff Centre Application Deadline: April 24, 2024 Program Dates: August 06- August 24, 2024 This program welcomes Indigenous classical musicians and composers to either explore experimental elements, or accomplish finished productions of their work to the best of...

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My Records, My Choice

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation  As you are no doubt aware, in 2017, the Supreme Court of Canada ordered that all of the confidential records relating to the claims for abuse made by former Indian Residential School students in the Independent Assessment...

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Indigenous History & Heritage Gathering

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Led by First Nations, Inuit and Metis thought leader, a three-day gathering to understand, promote and share indigenous histories June 2-4, 2024 Westin Ottawa Ontario Click here  for more details  

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Indigenous Leadership Programs 2024 – Register Now!

Banff Centre Intermediate Negotiation Skills Training - Program Dates: April 07- April 12, 2024 -- Registration Deadline: February 27, 2024 Intermediate Braiding Strands: Related -world Strategic Planning - Program Dates:...

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Investing in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Moneris

Moneris At Moneris, we’re here to support you. Here's how: -Prioritize Indigenous Reconciliation -Engage all stakeholders in Moneris' DEI strategy -Grow Awareness of equity and inclusion -Redesign systems to advance equity and inclusion For more information, we invite...

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We Need You! Join The Nutrition North Canada Advisory Board

Nutrition North Canada Advisory Board Application Deadline: Friday, January 12, 2024 The Government of Canada is seeking individuals willing to be considered as Chairperson for the Nutrition North Canada Advisory Board. The Board provides information and advice to the...

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Up to $10,000 available for community initiatives

Canadian Heritage National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - Sept 30, 2024 Up to $10,000 available for community initiatives - Application Deadline: January 23, 2024 For more information: canada.ca/truth-and-reconciliation-funding Ph: 819-997-0055 Toll Free:...

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