Formed in 1987, the Alberta Indian Investment Corporation (A.I.I.C) is owned by all First Nation communities in the province of Alberta. Throughout its history A.I.I.C. has provided First Nation owned business unparalleled source of loan and equity financing and has been instrumental in business development activities throughout the province, within First Nation’s economic development sector.
It is in the area of business finance that A.I.I.C. is providing to be an industry leader. Its innovative approaches to providing financing for on and off reserve business have assisted many individuals in their efforts to become successful business people.
In addition to providing loan capital to Albert First Nation entrepreneurs, A.I.I.C has invested in business as well. The Alberta Indian Investment Corporation (A.I.I.C) as a wholly owned Alberta First Nations company entered into the hospitality/restaurant industry, the Wingate Inn was opened in Edmonton’s west end in January 2003.
In 2005, adjacent to the Wingate Hotel, A.I.I.C opened the Homefire Grill which features wood fired dining specialties in a warm casual setting of natural elements including a central fireplace. Also available is a private room for up to 35 people for private parties and business events.